pudding n. 1.布丁〔西餐中一种甜点心〕;〔比喻〕物质的报酬。 2.香肠。 3.【航海】(由帆布等制成的护船用的)船尾碰垫。 4.(窃贼给狗吃的)毒肝(等)。 5.〔美卑〕侥幸。 The proof of the pudding is in the eating. 布丁好坏,一尝便知〔谚语〕。 Indian pudding 玉米布丁。 more praise than pudding 恭维多而实惠少,假恭维。 pudding rather than praise 恭维不如实惠。 puddings and pies 眼睛。 adj. -y 布丁一样的;沉闷的;迟钝的;愚笨的。
I must congratulate you on your yorkshire puddings 我一定要祝贺你做的这道约克郡布丁。
I made roast beef and yorkshire pudding 我做了炖肉和约克郡式布丁
Roast beef is the classic sunday lunch and must be served with yorkshire pudding 烤牛肉是传统的星期日午餐食品,必须和约克郡布丁一起进食。
Yorkshire pudding ? batter baked in hot fat in the oven ? is a favourite accompaniment to roast beef 约克郡布丁如果用烤炉加热过更好是烤牛肉的最好配菜。
Nearly everybody knows about roast beef and yorkshire pudding but this is by no means the only dish that is cooked well 几乎人人知道红烧牛排与约克郡布丁,但这绝不是惟一烧得好的菜。
In pub cuisine , yorkshire puddings may be offered with a multitude of fillings , with the pudding acting as a bowl 在有些酒吧里,约克郡布丁一般会被做成碗状,里面填满多种不同的食物。
Yorkshire pudding is cooked by pouring batter into a greased baking tin , and baking at a very high heat until it has risen 约克郡布丁的制作方法是将面糊浇注在涂过油的烘培罐里,然后在高温下烘烤加热至其膨胀。
Yorkshire puddings are often the subject of eating feats and in may 2006 in clifton west yorkshire 400 were eaten in one sitting 吃约克郡布丁也经常成为美食比赛的主要项目。 2006年5月在北约克郡的克利夫顿,参赛者们一次吃掉了近400个布丁。
She claims to have been really in love only once . the lucky man was called paul , hailed from leeds , and " he made a hell of a yorkshire pudding " 考克斯在遇到现在的丈夫之前据说只真正地爱过一回。这个幸运的男人叫做保罗,他来自利兹, “能够做棒极了正棒的约克郡布丁” 。
Yorkshire pudding may also be made in the same pan as the meat , after the meat has been cooked and moved to a serving platter , which also takes advantage of the meat ' s juices that are left behind 约克郡布丁也可以和肉在同一个平底锅里烤,等肉烤熟后装盘再继续烤锅中的布丁,这样就可以利用烤肉留在锅里的汁水,让布丁更入味了。
Yorkshire Pudding, also known as batter pudding, is a dish named after Yorkshire, England, though there is no evidence it originated there. It is made from batter and usually served with roast meat and gravy.